I read that I could just build 10 cities and have 3 armies of infantrymen defending each one. That and they act as a good distraction for the AI units haha.
This way you can get free upgrades for your defenders in the event AI gives you some problems before you have everything setup properly. It's optional but you could leave some barbarian villages alone on your borders. Now to win a domination game either use your culture to convert a capitol and wait until time ends or build up a large army with your massive city count and wipe out the AIs. As your borders expand move your military to the new front. Eventually your borders will meet up with the AIs and your massive culture will be able to convert some cities. Its important if you want to covert enemy capitols for domination victory instead of actually invading. Also try to get the Hollywood wonder built asap. Once these are built focus on building modern infantry and getting your borders well defended. (try to build cities on choke points to make it harder for the AI to attack the unprotected inner cities) As you build settlers build temples/cathedrals in cities farther away from unclaimed land.

As you expand move your units to the cities on the very edges of your empire. Play "Beta Centuari" as Chinese (extra population per new city) Immediately build settlers until you have 8-10 cities (you can build a city 2 spaces away from a currently built city.) Each city by default will give you a free modern infantry. If you are still having some issues you could try what I did. If I create enough I think I should be able to dominate everyone. Which things should I focus on to pump out units faster? All I care about right now are units. levels up so fast? They have everything maxed out and I'm over here struggling to create infantrymen, ships, artillery, etc. Can somebody tell me how the heck the A.I. Then the Mongrels who were maxed out took all of my cities over and wiped me out. Which scenario and civilization are easiest for Domination? What units and buildings/wonders should I focus on building first? Before I was defeated by the Russians I had done pretty good in my previous game defeating the Barbarians and some other civilization that I do not remember the name of. They are just all of a sudden maxed out when the come to take over my cities. cheats! I did not see any pop ups claiming that the Russians discovered any new inventions or technologies or dominating anybody. I lost to the Russians! I had 3 armies of infantrymen, 1 fleet of battleships, 3 armies of artillery and the Russians had their planes, ships, artillery, infantrymen, etc. I built infantrymen, artillery, battleships, etc.